Georges Abi Tayeh
Co-Founder & President
A Gynecologist-Obstetrician with Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Public Health. He has more than 25 years of experience in women and reproductive health and community work.
● Dr. George Abi Tayeh is a full professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Saint Joseph University (USJ) of Beirut. He is the chair of the Obstetrics and Reproduction Department at Hotel-Dieu de France (HDF) University Hospital. He is also the chairperson and co-founder of Saint-Joseph's Fertility Center. He is also a member of the Institutional Review Board at HDF and an active member of the committee on morbidity and mortality at HDF. Dr. Abi Tayeh received his medical degree from USJ, then pursued his residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology followed by several interuniversity trainings in the field of reproductive, fetal, perinatal, and maternal pathology at USJ, University of Paris - Cochin, and University of Paris - René Descartes - Paris V - Necker. He received his PhD in Bioethics from the University of Paris - René Descartes. His research focuses on maternal health, pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis, and pregnancy complications.
● One of his latest research studies is related to the evaluation of the cesarean section rate using the Robson Classification for the first time in Lebanon at HDF. The results of the study showed that more than 50% of the deliveries at HDF were via CS. The suggested strategies to reduce this rate were to include stricter department policies for the avoidance of unindicated primary CS and raising practitioners’ and patients’ awareness about the trial of labor after CS. In addition, he conducted an observational, cross-sectional, and monocentric survey study targeting the 6th and 7th-year medical students at HDF to assess their knowledge and their attitude towards C-section delivery with emphasis on the rise of C-section rate in Lebanon. Two factors appeared to be important in motivating future health professionals to perform C-sections in the absence of any indication: the lack of medical knowledge about C-sections and the view of vaginal delivery as a traumatizing experience. In addition, medical interns considered that respecting the choice of women is the main reason for obstetricians-gynecologists to perform a C-section. Both studies related to C-section, have identified gaps in knowledge and beliefs and shed light on an important research topic to identify factors behind the alarming rise in C-section rate in Lebanon, with the ultimate aim to put down recommendations, policies, and regulations that govern this practice. Abi Tayeh was the primary investigator in both studies. In addition to the research described above, Dr. Abi Tayeh has conducted several studies with a team of collaborators, on Maternal health and pregnancy mainly related to a wide range of topics: impact of maternal body mass index and gestational weight gain on neonatal outcomes among healthy Middle-Eastern females, impact of environmental exposures on birth outcomes, fetal health, ethics and other important topic related to gynecology. Dr. Abi Tayeh is the co-founder and president of HERA.