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● Emile Whaibeh, Myriam Mrad, Norma Aouad, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Clara Chaiban, Hadiya Leya Affara, Nivine Abbas, Roubina Karhily, Georges Abi Tayeh. The Environmental Exposure in Lebanese Infants (EELI) Study: Birth Cohort Investigating the Developmental Origins of Diseases in Lebanon.
● Emile Whaibeh, Georges Abi Tayeh, Wehbeh Farah, Maher Abboud, Samantha El Awar, Hadiya Leya Affara, Elias Chalhoub & Myriam Mrad. Air Pollution and Perinatal Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Challenges, Limitations, and the Potential of Epigenetics. Curr Envir Health Rpt (2022).
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