
Revitalizing Medical and health service Offering via Telehealth

“Barriers to accessing healthcare services associated with rising costs, transportation burdens, and brain drain of professionals have prompted individuals to seek services from primary healthcare centers (PHCs). Revitalizing Medical and health service Offering via Telehealth (REMOTE) project, funded by The International Organization for Migration (IOM)/USAID through the Diaspora Organization the Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Arab World (SASTA) and its local partner HERA, upscaled the mechanisms and capacity of six PHCs located in different regions in Lebanon, of which five are under the supervision of Order de Malta, Lebanon. REMOTE primary objective is to strengthen the capacities of primary healthcare centers in Lebanon through the adoption of telehealth. The project consisted of 3 phases including context assessment and planning, training and capacity building at the organizational level, and upgrading and evaluating infrastructures. Pediatrics, endocrinology, mental health, and reproductive health services were primarily implemented in the targeted PHCs. HERA implemented a training of trainers (TOT) to sensibilize physicians, and PHCs staff on telehealth implementation and guidelines. REMOTE’s sustainability was ensured by providing PHCs with the needed knowledge, skills, frameworks, and material to implement telehealth. The team is aiming to upscale the project on a national and regional level.